Thursday, April 21, 2011


So last weekend was my last weekend at the market for now. I'll probably go back in the fall, but life is too crazy right now. Between wedding planning, Union buisness, union meetings, WSIB paperwork, health and safety stuff, life is just too insane to be sitting for 16 hours on my 2 days off, and making stuff for 2 hours a day at home.

Overall it was a good experience. Made a crapload of money, learned a lot about the overall market business, made some new friends, and learned a lot about myself. I was there 10 weeks in total.

Wedding planning is AWESOME! a little stressful at times, but it's a good time to test your relationship! if you can survive actually planning the wedding together, doing most of the decorations and other bits yourselves paying for it, and still being able to cuddle up and still say you love each other at the end of each day, you'll survive anything! lol

My dress is almost done! no snags or sewing fails yet... which is suprising... lol.

also.. tulle sucks, but it's pretty. This is one seriously epic dress.


And, I can't wait to wear it again and again :P


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reader beware!

The following post is going to be a little vagina graphic, about menstruation and menstrual tissue. If you are not comfortable with the previously stated subject then do not read on. If you are comfortable, welcome to my vagina.

So I know I haven't posted in a while. For that I am sorry. Crazy life stuff as usual. I HAVE get this out though.

For about the last 10 years I have been using tampons for my menstrual cycle. For 2 years before that I used pads. recently (within the last 6 months) I have experienced irritation during and after menstruation, so much so that I was not even able to have sex until a few days after. This is a big problem for me, because in a normal week, I get it 3 times at least.
My period before last (in January) I realized it was probably the tampons I was using. Despite having a new box, I went and bought another box of a different brand and a smaller size. no change. still pain, swelling, more pain, and no sex after completion. bleh.

I did it. I was fed up. I couldn't use tampons for another cycle, and I was not going to use pads. I ordered a menstrual cup. a Diva cup! I just finished my first cycle with it and it's awesome! it's a little awkward at first, but I got used to it after a couple of days. It's not messy, you can't feel it, and you can wear it for a LONG time! there's no fibers that get stuck in your vag, no emergency trips to the washroom at work, no variety bag to carry around! on the day that you think you're going to start your period, you just pop it in! no worries about not starting and having to pull something out 'dry'. owie.

It has measuring lines on it, so you know how much you're bleeding so the next month, you know approximately when you're going to finish. I didn't keep track this month, I was too fascinated. I think it was close to 3oz. but next month I will have a solid number.

The problems I encountered with the cup were, I have to squat to get it out, not really a problem, since I only have to empty it at home. and when it was time to put my nuva ring back in, I was a little worried that it would leak, but it didn't. Just gotta do ring first, then cup. I could also feel a little pressure for the first couple of minutes with the ring in, too, but after that it was fine.

Friday, January 14, 2011

routines ROCK

most of the time, anyway.. lol
since I've been making daily goals for myself, no matter how small, it feels like an accomplishment! I've started working out in the morning again, too, not for very long, just a couple of minutes on the rebounder to get my blood flowing.
I've also decided to postpone my shop opening until February 5th and 6th. definitely not a bad thing, just the last week in January, I'm away for three days in Cambridge, so there's not going to be too much I can do. plus I have to finish crocheting a baby blanket,bunny, and hat and booties by next saturday. hopefully I'll finish the blanket this weekend, then I can get started on the easy stuff. so really, if I get ALL of that done THIS weekend, I only have a week to work on shop stuff. so now, I have 2 weeks! Woot!

Monday, January 10, 2011


it's Monday again... the weekends go by too darned fast. anyway. since Wednesday, I've accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to do. except for on Saturday. I got absolutely nothing done on Saturday. a friend of mine called me up for an unexpected Sushi date at 2:30 in the afternoon. so I made a pig of myself and didn't even make dinner for Tim. I made a yummy stirfry on Sunday though. With lots of bean sprouts (Tim's favorite vegetable)to make up for it :)
Vision's 20/20, Woot! it might actually be better than 20/20, just causewhen this one particular optometrist checks me, he takes the microscope to my eyes first, which is essentially a very, very bright light, and it makes your eyes all watery and unable to focus. and THEN he uses the other machine to test your prescription. "what's better, 1 or 2?" so in March, if I get him I'm going to say something.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

so Yesterday I did what I wanted to do. what I had planned. It felt like an accomplishment! here's what I have planned for today:

-eye appointment to see how my vision is.. I got Lasik almost 2 months ago and it's time to see how I see! DEFINITELY better than when I had glasses.

-blood donation.. pretty self explanatory. lol

-work on products for an hour and a half.. at least..

-practice guitar for 15 minutes

and of course clean a bit and make dinner.

let's get started! lol

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New year

I've always thought that new years resolutions were a bit dumb. Everyone always resolves to eat healthier, lose weight, be a better person, spend more time with family, enjoy life more, quit smoking, quit drinking... While these are all valid goals, they could be done at ANY TIME OF THE YEAR. If one needs a date to do something, why not at the beginning of the month? That gives you 12 chances a year to change yourself. and your habits, and possibly even start over your goal you failed at last month.
My resolution for 2011 is to make a resolution every new moon. I suspect a lot of my resolutions are going to be wedding related, that's fine though :)
Today having a new moon, my resolution for this phase is to set a daily schedule for myself, not an unbreakable timetable, but a set of daily goals I'd like to accomplish. Also to have a booth in Gibraltar weekend market by the last weekend of the month (29th,30th). Seems like more than one goal, but the schedule is to get my ass in gear working on stock for the booth. This is a goal that I've been procrastinating on for a while.
Goals for today include cleaning for a bit (rather than completely ignoring it) and work on gaining stock for 2 hours minimum. I have a meeting this afternoon so the list is short :)

In other news- our mortgage is down to the 112's! WOOT! slow and steady :)

Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Music is good for the soul

I've always been a bathroom pop star. I enjoy singing and could sing for hours straight. Just because I enjoy it, doesn't mean I'm good at it. cause I'm not.
My family has always been musical. My mom being in a country band when I was young-Singing and playing the bass; my eldest brother being in various bands-also singing, playing the guitar, banjo, and I seem to remember a fiddle being played by him a few times, my youngest brother is a rapper in BC, and my biological father is a drummer.
Until now, I've never played an instrument. (other than the forced trumpet in elementary school) a few weeks back I went to a friend of my Fiance's whose uncle owns a pawn shop and he hooked me up with a guitar, hard case and strap for $80. I had to buy new strings for the guitar, but those are cheap.
I was going to pay for a course online, but I've been learning just fine using Youtube. I enjoy it. It has healed a damaged soul.